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Asbury visit to Hamilton confirmed!

Writer: Daniel ZiedinsDaniel Ziedins


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


Asbury visit to Hamilton confirmed!

Hey everybody, we have a few exciting announcements and updates regarding the God Heal Our Land stadium gathering on Saturday, July 1st. The first announcement is that we recently spoke with Sarah Baldwin, the Vice President of Asbury University, and she has confirmed that she will be coming to Hamilton, Ontario, starting from Saturday, June 10th, to Tuesday, June 13th. Along with a few others, Sarah will be accompanied by Madeline Black, who directed the student worship teams during the Asbury outpouring. Sarah and her team's upcoming visit to Hamilton from Asbury should be seen as a "God wink" for Canada. For those of you who don't know Sarah Baldwin, she is a Canadian who was powerfully used by the Lord during the Asbury outpouring. Many of her videos, featuring various visitors sharing testimonies during the revival, went viral on various social media platforms. Sarah has many exciting stories to share during her visit to Hamilton that should inspire us as we journey to the Tim Hortons field.

We encourage every reader here to invite friends to the God Heal Our Land pre-stadium vision weekend, starting on June 11th. Part 1, featuring Asbury, is scheduled to take place at Hamilton Christian Fellowship (Overflow) at 6 pm on Sunday, and Part 2 Finale will be held on Monday, June 12th at 7 pm at People's Church Hamilton. We would also like to inform you of the schedule updates for our stadium gathering on July 1st, which can be viewed on the website. Please invite friends to register and be the first to receive updated information about the exciting things we have coming up.


Rough Stadium Event Schedule: (*Schedule Subject To Change As We Continue To Plan) 11:30: Gates Are Opened 12:00: Orchestra Performance 1:00: Time Of Prayer 2:00: A Talk About Unity 3:00: Gospel Being Shared 5:00: A Call to Salvation & Repentance 6:00: Communion 7:00: Corporate Prayer 7:45: 'Evangelism Activation' 8:00: Praise & Worship 8:30: Gates Are Closed Post Event: 'Overflow' Places To Be Announced


We Appreciate Your Support! We are collecting donations for 'God Heal Our Land' through our charity partners: Phoenix Rising Center for charitable receipts. Important Disclaimer: Donations must be over $100 to receive a charitable receipt to keep the workload manageable for our accounting team. Regarding donations to 'God Heal Our Land' through the 'Phoenix Rising Center' all contact information must be filled out fully on the checkout form or we will not be able to send out a charitable receipt. Also, We Currently Accept Credit Cards Only For This Donation! You will also receive your tax receipt by February 2024. If you agree to the disclaimer above, we'd be grateful for your support! There will be no free will offering opportunity at the event. You have a unique opportunity to be a part of sowing into God moving in Canada. Please consider donating today. God Bless God Heal Our Land.


Also, Check out:

Love on Hamilton: Evangelism & Outreach Group > Visit Site

 Overflow: Equipping & Discipleship Service >  Visit Site

"The opportunity of a lifetime needs to be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity"



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